Would you like to take part in a Clinical Trial for a new investigational treatment for narcolepsy at no cost to you?

No health insurance is required to participate. You will receive all study related care from a specialist physician at no cost. The study will include visits to a clinic in your location.

Participants will receive compensation for participating in the study.

You may qualify for a clinical research study if you:

  • Experience symptoms of narcolepsy
    • Persistent feeling of sleepiness
  • Experience symptoms of cataplexy
    • Sudden loss of muscle tone while awake, including but not limited to drooping eyelids, facial muscle sagging, slurred speech, buckling knees, head nodding, complete collapse
  • Are willing to participate in a research study



Sign Up

If you think you might like to join this study or would like more information, please enter your information below so we can see if you qualify and can contact you about the study. Remember, participation is entirely voluntary. Even if you decide to take part, it is absolutely fine if you change your mind later.

About Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a long-term neurological disorder that specifically affects the regulation of sleep-wake cycles. The disorder affects both males and females equally, with symptoms often starting in childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood (ages 7 to 25 years).

People with narcolepsy are often misdiagnosed with other conditions, such as psychiatric disorders or medical disorders, delaying proper diagnosis and treatment for years.

The main symptom of narcolepsy is excessive daytime sleepiness.

Other symptoms of narcolepsy may include:

  • Sudden loss of muscle tone
  • Sleep paralysis
  • Hallucinations

To treat narcolepsy, a doctor may prescribe stimulants to help keep you alert and awake throughout the day. A doctor may also suggest other medications, like antidepressants, to help manage the condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a clinical research study?

A Clinical Research Study (also called a clinical trial) is a medical study that helps answer important questions about an investigational drug or device, such as: does it work, or how effective is it compared to another drug/device?

All medications must be tested in clinical research studies before they can be approved by regulatory authorities for doctors to prescribe to patients. Without people taking part in these studies, we would have no new treatments. The volunteers who participate in clinical research studies play a major role in helping to advance medicine.

The Narcolepsy Studies will include various visits to a study clinic in your area and follow up phone calls at designated times.

All study-related care is provided at no cost to you. You do not need health insurance to participate.

Volunteers who take part in the study will receive compensation for their time and travel.
Participation is entirely voluntary. Even if you decide to take part in this study, you can change your mind about participating at any time.

There is no cost to participate in the Narcolepsy Studies. If you qualify, the investigational drug, study-related tests, assessments, and visits will be provided to you at no cost. You will receive study-related care throughout the study from a team of professional doctors and nurses at no cost to you.

Volunteers who take part in the Narcolepsy Studies will be compensated for their time and travel. Please discuss this with the study team when they contact you.